01 December 2005

Oil, war, death & cars

Oil, war & profitability: 10 % of the proven oil reserves are owned by Iraq. After the Iraq War mainly Anglo TNCs are seeking to get 'agreements' to appropriate the 115 billion barrels of oil to return a profit margin of 160 %. Detail in this (pdf) report.

Cars are 400 x more lethal than terrorism: "Deaths from car crashes in developed countries are nearly 400 times greater than those resulting from international terrorism…"
"As many people die every 26 days on U.S. roads as were killed in the September 11, 2001, attacks, and politicians should bear this in mind when allocating resources to combat two "avoidable" causes of death, researchers said." (Reuters)

Anti-product cars: Observe these nice images of how (US) consumer society dumps their cars into the landscape. Nice pics here too of unwanted hummers.

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