05 January 2006

NYE explosives and toxic showers

The beginning of the new year in Sydney was started off by exploding 3000 kilos of fireworks. Despite a total fire ban, many non-pyro-technicians set alight more of these explosives in backyards, gardens and other public places.
Originally gunpowder combustion was invented in China, to ward off 'bad forces'. So maybe the big bang 2006 party follows suit to ward off bad forces like: a flaming inferno, mega urban development without water, necrotic suburbs without the 'juice' to get in or out, the trade deficit etc.

People rush to stand in the fall-out zone and be showered by heavy metal compounds and other toxic chemicals. The sound injures any hearing and many limbs and pets are torn apart. Often the crackers (Cottage Pt Rd.) start a bushfire. Litter and toxins are generously socialised.
In many countries the population is protected from these polluting practices and even the entertainment industry seeks to debut safer, quieter and more environmentally friendly fireworks.

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