06 November 2010

Tweets on sharing the planet with other species

Biodiversity or kicking others off the planet:
#Endangered #orchid - #Habitat loss due to #clearing for more highway for more cars http://tinyurl.com/2dtqf2u #biodiversity #NSW Bulahdelah 05222010 2

'#Biodiversity summit won't stop anyone trashing the #planet' http://tinyurl.com/2e2e6p6 #CBD #convention #diversity TEEB monetize #nature 04112010

'A mobile command centre for maiming #wildlife' http://tinyurl.com/26ufxhf combat #biodiversity aussie utes #militarization_of_civil_society 05112010

Thing happen where #hunting & #fishing enthusiasts #encroach on #wildlife #habitat http://tinyurl.com/265btjt #poaching #National #Park meat 03112010

It is spineless to kick many of the world's vertebrates off the planet http://tinyurl.com/2fjyjlo #biodiversity #monoculture species #legacy 27102010

'More species slide to #extinction' BBC 2010: http://tinyurl.com/2fsgr49 2006: http://tinyurl.com/2blorrl #biodiversity habitat #change poss 27102010

"Habitat loss overexploitation pollution disease & human induced climate change are the factors driving extinctions" http://tinyurl.com/2d6hwro 21102010

Mass #extinction as a strategy Obliteration of the planet's species at a rate at least 1,000 x faster than normal http://tinyurl.com/2csybv4 10202010

From failure to #failure #Copenhagen here, #biodiversity (#CBD) there http://tinyurl.com/3yfllaz stop #extinction stop #habitat grab dysfctn 19102010

The Nagoya Access & Benefit Sharing Protocol PDF http://tinyurl.com/2b3d3ur #biodiversity share cake #biopiracy #CBD #COP10 #ABS North-South 19102010

"We are about to reach a threshold beyond which #biodiversity loss will become irreversiblehttp://tinyurl.com/32oztpk mortgaging kids future 18102010

Wildlife Human Interface
Ranger rescues #crocodile from people http://tinyurl.com/2b2h3uo Sanctuary Lakes Palmerston #biodiversity baby freshie #wildlife crime au 19102010

#North Head #wildlife without a billboard for #roadkill: Squashed by #motorists today: 1 Ringtail Possum & 1 Bearded Dragon SydneyHarbNatPrk 05222010 2

Rainbow #Lorikeets feeding on red Callistemons, Sulphur-crested #Cockatoos feeding on the seeds of Brush Box #birds urban #trees #Manly 28102010

Nice to hear the #koel overpower the roaring #traffic for a while audio: http://tinyurl.com/388a665 #birds #pollution #Manly Eudynamys 27102010

Sub-Antarctic #birds killed with #brodifacoum on #Macquarie Island http://tinyurl.com/2d6ajat do no harm #restoration human-introd predators 23102010

On the use of #poison to eradicate #pests: 400 native #birds killed, #Macquarie Island http://tinyurl.com/2awbxke oops #invasive sp Tas #Nps 23102010

#Shelly Beach tide is blooming red #HABs Four #mutton #birds dying on #Manly Beach - out of habitat in long #migratory journey 22102010

The many dead black #birds on #NSW beaches? Think about their lack of #habitat in their transequatorial #migration short-tailed #shearwaters 22102010

#Pelican swallowed three fishing hooks & got entangled in #fishing #debris http://tinyurl.com/29bxqx9 Ban fishing TAKE @ urban coasts #birds 10201020 3

The Butcherbird's song http://tinyurl.com/2fg6msw is drowned out by the ubiquitous debris blowers of Manly http://tinyurl.com/29fftlu #noise 19102010

Manly Penguins
Nice image of a #Little #Penguin #swimming Hope no fossil fuel vessel will shred it apart http://tinyurl.com/2equq6t #Manly #boats #habitat 28102010

Forests - Habitat
Debt ? Just flog off the national ancient #forests http://tinyurl.com/349xz4j #privatisation #climate change #co2 #habitat #wildlife 25102010

Clearing the tropical #rain #forests, destroying the GBR #reef produces the BIG DRY http://tinyurl.com/2453xut RT @mongabay #Australia diy desert 16102010

Bio-diversity vs Mono-culture: Wildlife or exotic companions? Pets
Will Australians invest in #biodiversity or a mono-culture of dogs & cats? http://tinyurl.com/3733upu Extinction http://tinyurl.com/35asr2q 28102010

#Dogs - from #meat to status symbol http://tinyurl.com/2auffju #consuming #pet_owners #feces city #energy #dog_run #wildlife out #pets in 25102010

Invasive species
The #rabbits on #North #Head #NPs look like #pet bunnies & behave like lost family members #erosion #invasive #species #degraded vegetation 03112010 2

Conservation - Do no harm
Sub-Antarctic #birds killed with #brodifacoum on #Macquarie Island http://tinyurl.com/2d6ajat do no harm #restoration human-introd predators 23102010

On the use of #poison to eradicate #pests: 400 native #birds killed, #Macquarie Island http://tinyurl.com/2awbxke oops #invasive sp Tas #Nps 23102010

Only about 2% of the Kimberley state waters will be protected while 98% is still open to mining & fishing http://tinyurl.com/27vqt3n #marine 22102010

Palau can afford its waters to be a #marine mammal #sanctuary for the protection of #whales, #dolphins & #dugongs http://tinyurl.com/2d2l6eb 26102010

"The number of #marine protected areas fall far short of what’s needed 2 save the world’s #oceans" http://tinyurl.com/2uv4u9f CBD marine prk 20102010

Habitat for Flora & Fauna or rec area National Parks
1. they open up NSW #National Prks to bikes, then to hopping mountain bikes, next it'll be the landscape shredder http://tinyurl.com/2fgmyls 18102010

Vandalising the Enviroment - Crimes
"Many #environmental #crimes are dealt with by warning letters or infringement notices." http://tinyurl.com/26wepcu NSW Australia #wildlife 23102010

Images: Shark finning industry, Coffs Harbour, NSW
Healthy gulls with fresh filtered water at Manly

Tweets on the ocean marine ecosystem

05 November 2010

Manly Beach Time Zones

Manly Beach currently has 3 time zones - South Steyne, North Steyne and Queenscliff. Please adjust your watches as you proceed along the beach. The most reliable chronometer is at the North Steyne pavillion. It tells the correct time twice a day. To set your watch/mobile, please check the time there at 10.20 am or pm on any day. If you are not sure if it is 10.20, just ask someone at the beach. For summer time add one hour.

It is recommended that you pay careful attention to the time zones as beaches are only patrolled at certain exactly defined times. Note that Queenscliff time is usually one hour later than South Steyne time and North Steyne time is identical to South Steyne time and Queenscliff time twice a day respectively at 10.20 am or pm.
If you are unsure which time zone you are in, check for the lines on the sand or ask a local official or resident.

“Manly Beach 1000 miles from care, 3 time zones.”

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? Chicago